Now this one has been a VERY LONG time coming.

Back in 2017, I was making my rounds through Taiwan when I was approached by the good crew at The Otherworld Agency. I normally handle music end to end, but they wanted me to produce for another composer – some guy named Kevin Penkin – on a visual novel called Necrobarista. Coming off a successful run with them on Obliteracers, I gladly obliged. Little did I know that Kevin was a prolific anime composer (he also did that stunning soundtrack on Florence) who would shake up the way I write music. Oof.

I’ll save the details of that romance for another time, but I’m happy to say that after 27 months, we have our first gameplay trailer out and boy is it GORGEOUS. (I’m biased, but come’on, that’s one striking art style. Great camera movement too.)

The developing team, Route 59, are crazy talented and have been wonderful to work with. The whole crew, really. Kudos to everyone and I can’t wait for this to drop in late 2019!