A Game Composer’s Guide to Content ID and Making Money on YouTube

Hello, friends! For those who don't know me, my name is Jeremy Lim and I write music for video games. I've also had a career in online marketing, so when I was asked to speak at GameSoundCon about monetizing YouTube as a game composer, I jumped at the chance. Alongside industry stalwarts Noah Becker (CEO of AdRev), Jody Friedman (CEO of HD Music Now), and Jim Charne (Counsel at Gerard Fox…

How My Music Was Plagiarized for Profit and How I Fought Back

Late August 2013, my music was been stolen, rebranded, and sold across every major music store and streaming service online.  Over 150 instances were found on sites like iTunes and Spotify, and countless more appeared on illegal networks. I felt trapped, suffocated by the enormity of things. Still, with a lot of effort, I managed to take back most of what was mine, and thanks to the kindness of…

Spotify Playlist Submission Guide

Thank you for your interest in my Spotify playlists! This guide is an overview of what I look for for my lists and the best ways to reach me. No Songs Through Email or Direct Messages, Please! I prefer using SubmitHub for its quick, efficient workflow. I accept both paid (Premium) and free (Standard) submissions — but may not always have Standards enabled, depending on my workload. If…

Dance Music Manual (3rd Edition): Tools, Toys, and Techniques by Rick Sno

If you’re new to producing electronic dance music, Rick Sno’s Dance Music Manual is a worthwhile (though highly repetitive) guide to getting started fast. For veteran producers, the book covers the gamut and in much detail; while you won’t take away as much as the novices, you’ll likely leave with a few new gems and information gaps filled. The Dance Music Manual is an in-depth, top-to-bottom…